Enroll Now

Start with the key ingredients that most schools, parents & programs miss!

Start with the key ingredients that most schools, parents & program miss.  

In this course, you'll learn the foundational skills your little one needs to read and have fun while doing it! I'll teach you how to incorporate joyful 5-minute strategies into your daily routine that build phonemic awareness with explicit phonics instruction--the key early literacy skills--that build phenomenal readers. 

It's time to teach your little one to read


sign me up NOW!

One Tip: Don't start with sight words or letters...

You've tried Googling, following reading gurus on socials, and searching for a simple and efficient reading program that offers developmentally appropriate, step-by-step guidance that helps parents teach their child to read. However, something still feels off. 

My 'Common Sense(s)' Reading Framework and "Hearing Sounds" course will teach you why learning to read starts with hearing and saying sounds, not just learning or seeing letters. This is the course you take BEFORE you even buy books!

You'll gain strategies that build more than decoding skills, but the foundational literacy skills that turn tenacious young readers into confident adults. 

Build an independent and confident reader from the start!

You In? Let's Go! 

"I took this course to help [my 5 year old] learn to read before he gets into kindergarten... at least a little bit...yet The WHOLE family is getting into it, not just my five year old! In fact, my 81 year-old mother was at the top of her class and she was taught to read by memorizing words. But she also struggled with spelling her whole life as a result. She distinctly remembers getting to the word 'chlorophyll' and having no idea what to do. After learning Nicolette's method, her eyes LIT up! She said, 'I have NEVER understood that. This is the FIRST time, I could ever [do] that!" 

— lorelei r.

"The whole family is getting into it...not just my five year old!"

How come kids could memorized 200 sight words but still couldn't figure out words? Why was I being taught to teach THEM to skip words? Weren't you supposed to read EVERY word? Wasn't guessing what a word was because of the picture, kind of cheating?  Why couldn't they blend the sounds together and quickly READ a word?

When I was a first-year teacher, I too realized, I had no idea what I was doing when it came to reading. 

I realized that we were all teaching reading wrong, so I refined my approach. My methods helped a non-verbal student progress to a middle-kindergarten level, a second grader grow three years to grade level, and my third graders scored in the top 3% of the state. Learn the first step in my common sense(s) reading framework in my newest coursE.

but guess what...

Well Hello Little Reader's
"Hearing Sounds" Course


The First Step in Learning How to Read is NOT Learning Sounds or Seeing Sounds but HEARING SOUNDS. Learn the 3 Simple Skills Your Little One Needs to master BEFORE they even get to books to create the STRONGEST Reading foundation and make learning to read, a piece of cake!

In this course, you'll dive right into learning. I cover essential basics  (phonemic awareness and synthetic phonics concepts) while demonstrating proper sound pronunciation. You'll master approximately 35 out of the 44 crucial English sounds, not just the standard 26! I'll also guide you in categorizing these sounds, starting with short and long vowels. This is particularly valuable for non-native English speakers and those learning English as a second language.

Struggling to teach your child to read? I'll help you grasp the psychology, marketing, and teaching methods that makes it all stick. You'll learn how to recognize progress and milestones at different stages, work with your child's behaviors, and support their development from 18 months and beyond. Think of me as your Reading Teacher BFF!

Here's What You'll Learn

"Ready" - Learn the Content 

Understand Our Goals

chapter one 

chapter two 

You'll have access to live videos of me teaching different kids from ages 12 months to 11 years in five 5-minute activities. This hands-on experience will boost your confidence to begin with your child right away. Armed with the essential knowledge we've covered through oral activities, you'll be well-prepared to kickstart your child's reading journey. It's the course to take before sight words, books, pre-school or kindergarten and even supports struggling readers in early elementary. 

"Go"- 'Hearing' in Action

CHapter four

We've tried too many short-cuts for too long -- sight words, guessing, pictures. In this chapter, you learn and ORALLY practice the most important foundational skills to reading  -- blending and segmenting. You will understand and master the basics of phonics in English in a logical and sequential order, so you can be a better teacher for your little one for YEARS to come. You will never look at words the same --- I promise!

"Set" - Learn the Skills & Techniques



Nurture a love for reading and create a positive reading environment from the get-go!

How does this sound?

Your child and your family eager to join in the fun and play games together every day!



the results you're going to get:

A toddler who has the literacy foundation to learn to read not in years, but months!


Kick self-doubt to the curb and feel confident in your role as your child's primary teacher as I walk you through every step.




Build your child's self-esteem and a love for learning driven by curiosity, rather than being focused on toxic achievement.

How It Works

I'm not just giving you fish, I'm teaching you to fish! You'll pick up strategies that will be your go-to for years, guiding your child from sounds to words to multi-syllabic words.

no. 01

Let's make it clear, people: You're the MVP when it comes to teaching your child. Practice makes perfect, so keep at it with me! We'll keep honing those listening and speaking foundational reading skills until you're a pro.

No. 02 

You learn five 5-min activities to begin with your little one, starting as early as 18 months BEFORE they get to books or sight word lists!

No. 3 

Learn the Basics & Sounds

practice in a safe environment

Reading isn't work, but play!

"We had an English-Language Learner student who jumped nine reading levels (3 school years...in 1 year) because of targeted tutoring by Nicolette!"




Dancing with a troubled student in the hallway is just one of the many creative methods Nicolette has used as a behavior management technique for her class. She looks at each student as a unique individual and works with parents, students and other staff members to provide successful strategies that result in high level achievement. 


Saw a tailored apporach that works!


real results

A year from now you
will have wished your little one started today....

So let's get  them started!

Why are all the top reading programs apps? Why are we starting our 2 year-olds on reading apps? Why are we pushing sight word lists down our children's throats? No no no. I'm here to set you up to teach reading at home, on walks, and during your every-day routines. The best way to teach your child to read is to understand how to teach your child to read. There is an evidence-based approached called "The Science of Reading" which is the basis of this program. You'll learn that teaching your little to read can be simple, structured, and fun.  

So wait. We aren't actually reading books yet? What are we doing here? Well friend, we are starting where the tutors that get paid $150/hr start. Where the $25B tutoring industry starts. We're starting with listening & speaking and building the oral foundation that creates the reading foundation your little needs. It's how my 18-month old has over 500+ words and was ready to start her reading journey at 25 months. 

You're in the right place.

Other programs leave you to figure things out on your own (i.e, "you. bought it, good luck!). I want you to succeed and feel confident in my approach because IT WORKS. I'm always available to answer your questions and DMs. But if you sign up during my pre-sale window (before Nov. 15, 2023), you'll also get live access to me bi-weekly. Bring your course questions or questions about your child's progress in school, and I'll help you support them! We'll get there together. 

Grab your seat today and get access to bi-weekly group support calls!

Free guide

Weekly 1:Many Zoom Calls!


“It is easier To build strong children than fix broken men.”

- Frederick Douglass, 1855

I'm Nicolette...

Mom, Dreamer, Doer. Exceptionally Curious & Multi-Passionate Human-Being. Former data-driven, results-oriented K-4 Teacher focused on Feedback, Rigor, and JOY.  Currently on a mission to help as many parents, caregivers, and teachers as possible build a strong reading foundation for their littles -- 18 months and older!

More on me

hey there!

A little more on why I'm obsessed with this stuff..

I'm the daughter of Nigerian immigrants. I grew up in a household that asked "where are the last two points?" when I came home with a 98% on a test. As you can imagine, it was both the foundation of my success and my therapy conversations. 

I was an early reader who essentially never struggled at school. I took all the APs, graduated high school with a 4.0+ GPA in the Top 5% of my class (750+ students) and still managed to be in theatre, athletics, student government, and more (precisely because I didn't struggle with school!). I went on to graduate with honors from the University of Southern California, receive a Master degree in Teaching, taught K-4 in schools across NYC, earned an Ivy-League MBA and now have a 9-5 in Big Tech.

I know what it takes to succeed in highly competitive academic environments. But now as an adult and parent in my mid-thirties, I'm keenly aware of the thin line between healthy striving and toxic achievement, in a country that is burdening our children with mental health issues. 

However, as a kindergarten to fourth grade teacher for many years, I've had many conversations with students and parents who feel they are "incapable" and "unintelligent" due to reading difficulties.

We can achieve a happy medium and I deeply believe this starts with HOW reading is introduced. You may have your own reasons for wanting to start this journey. Maybe you struggled with reading & spelling -- maybe you STILL struggle. That's OKAY!  I am very proud of what I've created and am confident you'll be pleasantly surprised by the JOY you and your little one experience through this process TOGETHER!

passionate + curious

My "Hearing Sounds" Course is the only one of its kind because...

it's built on a listening & Speaking foundation first. 


But I truly believe every kid can read with the right start. We just need a team of adults to lead the way.

I've got a solid reading plan that eases the sprint to "read early" into a "marathon" that preps your little for school. 

 It's all about science-backed methods that actually work. You can begin as early as 18 months, focusing on speaking words and sounds to your little one, following "The Science of Reading!"

It starts with YOU, the adult. I will help you build the confidence to do this.

I'm a firm believer in education, as you've read. A key to my "successful career" is my willingness to learn when I don't know something. Here are some courses I've taken because I didn't know how to do something:

-Financial Planning
-Baby-Led Weaning
-Sleep Training
-Building an Online Course
-Potty Training
-Planning a Disney Vacation

As parents, we can't be experts in everything. We're meant to lean on our village and resources. Whether this is your first or your hundredth course, it's perfectly fine not to be an expert. I'm here to guide you every step of the way!

Study at your own pace

incorporate activities in your daily routines

get Questions answered

Follow a proven roadmap

This program includes everything you need to do before you buy a book or read a sight word.

Try My Program for 14 days. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.

I want to save you the ~$1200/year on tutors that upwards of 60% of parents will spend by the time their little one is in fourth grade (because currently 64% of fourth graders are not reading proficiently in the US). This course will give YOU the foundation to know HOW to support your child's reading journey. However, if you aren't satisfied, I'll ask a few questions to understand why (so I can make the course better!) and you'll get your money back---hassle free!

money back 


This      for you if:

your want to start the reading journey with your toddler

You're not willing to watch 20+ videos

you want to support your struggling reader

YOU'RE opposed to early reading 

you're ready for this thing

It's probably       for you if...

you believe early reading is based on special talents or natural ability



It's probably
for you if...


See what Lorelei, a mom of 8 and small business owner thinks about the unique content of the Hearing Sounds Course in this review!

Let's Do This Thing!

I’m worried I won’t have time! Do I need to follow week by week or can I go at my own pace? 

I've got you! To help you stay on track I release a few videos a week, so we can discuss content during our bi-weekly group calls. But you have life-time access, so this whole course is entirely go-at-your-own-pace! You can take four days or four months! Just like every child's reading journey is different, every parent or caregiver's journey may be different too! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do activities take with my child? 

Each activity can be done during your daily routines. Check out my instagram @wellhellolittlereader for examples of what "quick hits" look like during the day. 

My child is different because _____. Will this work for them? 

Every child is unique. While I can't guarantee it will work for your child, I will show you the methods that will support their verbal development and you'll feel confident in the roadmap you need to support their literacy journey. 

What do I actually get upon sign-up?

You'll get access to 3-4 hours of teaching videos, divided into 20+ videos. Some are 2 minutes--others are 20 min showing you exact lessons with children of different stages and ages. You'll get a Course Workbook & PDFs for guidance, access to our Community Forum, and the ability to question/ comment directly on each video. 

Why shouldn't I just wait under kindergarten? Scandinivian countries teach their kids to read at 6!

Norway and Sweden also have almost 2 year parental leave policies. America does not have the same social net, policies, and safety net of other countries. My process helps you teach your child to read in a seamless way. However, if you're not interested, that's okay! Do what's best for you and your family. 

So when do they learn how to read? 

Very soon! Once you master the phonemic awareness piece, you'll move onto the explicit phonic instruction piece. Join my newsletter for more deets!

shoot me an email or dm!

I completely understand. This feels different, but I'm so confident in the Hearing Sounds course -- I'd love to quell your fears directly.

Still on the fence?